Investing in Space and Time | Bridging Data and Blockchain: The Future of Trustless Data Processing

Investing in Space and Time | Bridging Data and Blockchain: The Future of Trustless Data Processing
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August 27, 2024

Blockchain technology is poised to redefine the landscape of consumer and enterprise applications. Those applications require quality data delivered promptly. Data indexing solutions from established providers like Google's BigQuery Public Datasets exist, yet they are not readily accessible on-chain. Making complex data accessible on-chain remains a critical frontier that creates friction in the development of sophisticated applications. The demand for trustless, verifiable data processing within blockchain ecosystems is particularly significant for industries where trust is paramount, such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Investment Spotlight: Space and Time

At the forefront of this innovation is Space and Time (SxT), a pioneering platform leveraging zero-knowledge proofs and a hybrid data warehouse to provide unparalleled data solutions for Web3 and traditional enterprises. SxT bridges the gap between blockchain and traditional data systems, ensuring tamperproof data processing and integration that can transform business operations across sectors.

SxT offers a decentralized data warehouse that integrates blockchain data from major chains like Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Polygon with off-chain datasets from databases, data warehouses, applications, and game servers. This integration makes on-chain data highly available and easily interactable while enabling more complex requests to be fed into on-chain smart contracts. We believe this data availability will unlock the next generation of Web3 applications, as current applications only have limited access to transaction and balance details.

While SxT’s track record of innovation is vast, a few key elements stand out:

  • Proof of SQL: At the core of SxT is its Proof of SQL mechanism, a novel zero-knowledge proof that ensures all computations within the SxT ecosystem are tamperproof and verifiable at scale. This technology allows smart contracts and AI agents to ask data-driven questions about their chains' entire history and even off-chain data, using ZK proofs to ensure integrity. SxT sets a new standard for trust and transparency in data processing by enabling verifiable queries across both on-chain and off-chain data.
  • Data Warehouse Architecture: SxT's hybrid transactional/analytic (HTAP) data warehouse architecture ensures high-speed transaction processing and complex analytics. This dual capability is particularly attractive to institutions looking to harness the full potential of decentralized data processing. SxT's robust security measures protect against tampering and unauthorized access, reinforcing user trust, while making data available in close to real-time
  • Open AI Integration: SxT's Houston chatbot is a groundbreaking feature, leveraging GPT-4 and ChainML to allow users to generate SQL queries, Python scripts, and dashboards from natural language prompts. This integration enhances user accessibility, enabling technical and non-technical users to perform sophisticated data processing tasks effortlessly. This interface also allows for faster iteration and product development.
  • ZKsync Integration: SxT's integration with ZKsync's Elastic Chain addresses Web3’s fragmentation problem, enhancing SxT’s ability to support sophisticated DeFi, gaming, social, and crypto-native infrastructure. By joining the Elastic Chain ecosystem, SxT enables smart contracts within the ZKsync ecosystem to query comprehensive data from major chains directly in a trustless manner. This integration allows for seamless cross-chain communication, facilitating bridging, rewards, lending collateral, cross-chain gaming, and more

Beyond the above, SxT has collaborated with industry leaders such as Microsoft and Chainlink Labs, further lending credibility and expanding the platform’s functionality.

Led by an agile and committed team, we believe Space and Time will be a game-changer, lowering barriers to accessing, analyzing, and visualizing blockchain data. As lead investors in their latest funding round, we are thrilled to support their growth and bring their industry-defining vision to life.


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